A supply of the necessary?
E.C. Patton album, cards 8-11 Still early days in this album, but some interesting cards so far (images and/or messages). Four more cards for today. I’m not sure of the sender, whether their signature is the bottom center scrawl or the letters on the right side. The message comes through clear enough, however. “Thanks for Oregon’s capitol we’ll need one (perhaps?) suppose you heard about the Political Graft trying to remove ours to Berkeley. Ha! Lots of excitement here now. I’m patiently waiting for that letter” [unclear] to E.C. Patton, 2 March 1907 The reference to the letter suggests these two may send each other cards (and perhaps both collect)…
Mama sends her best regards
Thomas Gray Haile subcollection, cards, 6, 47, 116, 12, and 16 And so we bid good-bye to Madge, but not without a few more cards from her! First up, a rather nice-looking rabbit complete with carrot and baby chicken. Complete with a small message on the image side at the top (see the title of this post). Apparently sent by one Maria? Martha? On the reverse–quite a long message. The writer recognizes the difficulty her recipient is likely to have reading it, attributing it to her pen (hence the number of times I guessed or couldn’t even guess at what she wrote). Hello! how do you like Okla? fine I…
Numerical proof of love?
Katheryn McMahon Newton album, an initial chronological and numerical assessment For about five months, I’ve been posting about the cards contained in the album and referring to an eventual chronological assessment. This is–and isn’t–it. It is, because it’s what I’m providing; but it also isn’t, because I don’t promise it addresses all the issues I mentioned in earlier posts. There’s only so much I can do now. I expect this particular album and assortment of cards to play a strong role as I analyze and write about early post cards in bulk and in specific, but at this point I’m still processing cards and getting ideas (and sometimes having those…
Daddy dear and sweetheart valentines
Katheryn McMahon Newton album, additional materials Before we go to the additional materials, a correction regarding a recent post. When discussing card 127, I somehow leapt to associate references to the “U.S. Ex. agent” as exports. I’m not sure what I was thinking. At any rate, this was far more likely a U.S. Express agent — i.e. a firm that he had arranged to ship materials to Katheryn. A precursor / antecedent to UPS and/or FedEx. Especially given one of the letters below! The album contained two letters and three cards when it reached me. These all date from later-on. The cards on the left and right are signed from…
Now am to blame for being stuck on the West
Katheryn McMahon Newton album, cards 123-125 Fred evidently had a very good meal at Hotel Tacoma. How do we know? He wrote Katheryn about it in pretty as much detail as one can squeeze on a postcard. The color came through quite nicely on this in reality. There are places of misalignment, but the contrast between the green, gold/yellow, and brown shoes up a lot better in person than in the photo. I’m not sure where the “Uncle Dud” came from. Probably an inside joke or family joke between the two. Any other suggestions are welcome. On the reverse, Fred detailed a feast. How many courses? How many of them…
Lonesome in a God-forsaken Hole
Katheryn McMahon Newton album, cards 116-119 A variety of streets and buildings for today. Two of the cards had no messages, but their reverses are nevertheless worth showing alongside the fronts. The cards were sent by different people to different people–at the same address and roughly the same time. I haven’t (yet) done further research into the addresses but it’s quite possible that 1800 State Street, Chicago, was a boarding house or a family lived there who took in a boarder or . . . well, actually, there are quite a few explanations. This will have to wait on some of the external research I’ll do when I write about…
Beautiful burgs, leaky pens, and grief
Katheryn McMahon Newton album, cards 113-115 Three very different cards for today! Two from Fred, one short and one messy, and one from a different person entirely. All, as is mostly the case, to Katheryn. First up: the short end. This is a contradictory combination, in a way. Fred sent a card showing an image of Pueblo while in Pueblo (the postmark is faint, but clear enough)–to praise Colorado Springs. He had just taken the train from Colorado Springs to Pueblo, but already he considered himself able to speak to his opinion of that town versus others. Hon: I realize what a beautiful little town Colo Springs is when I…
Keeping Secrets and Choosing Addresses
Katheryn McMahon Newton album, cards 110-112 This first card was postmarked and dated 10 February 1908. These don’t always align quite so nicely. I’ve usually erred on the side of citing the date Fred wrote on a card over the postmark unless I’m talking about the mailing. At any rate, back to the card. There’s nothing explicit to this effect–it was merely an image of Denver with a quick query about how the town struck Katheryn–but I suspect it was Fred’s arrival-in-town-safely missive. After all, we know he’s sending two or more cards from most places he stays for a night or two. Anyone who’s been in Denver more recently…
“same old cold stormy smoke, begrimed + sloppy place it is”
Katheryn McMahon Newton album, cards 107-110 Fred Newton was the product of his time and culture: white, likely of Anglo-American ancestry, and possessed of relative privilege. Based on earlier cards, he had enough station to call on the Governor of Colorado when passing through (though he settled for a few minutes with a private secretary). His attitudes about gender and sex were typical of the time; I’ve already posted about how, from a modern perspective, some of his endearments for Katheryn don’t work for me (maybe they do for others). Given the card he sent Katheryn from Pocatello, Idaho, he was also racist. Here’s the front of the card in…
“The more ridiculous and absurd it impresses me”
Katheryn McMahon Newton album, cards 105 and 106 Only two cards today, but each with fairly lengthy messages that should fill up a fair amount of space. First up, a card that does not appeal to me at all image-wise. Back in the day, people likely looked at the factories belching smoke and thought “progress” but I, from my 1st Q 21st century viewpoint think “pollution.” Based on the inscription on the reverse, this was supposed to show Seattle’s tidal lands. (And that’s tidal, not tribal although the whole thing belonged the Duwamish peoples.) Perhaps, but I mostly see smoke. The tinting doesn’t help either as most of the buildings,…